H-Art of Medicine Track

The H-art of Medicine Track focuses on some of the more humanistic aspects of healthcare for both the clinician and the patient. By exposing students to the concepts of the healing arts along with some of the other pertinent topics in medical humanities, the overarching goal will be to restore the focus on treating the whole person both for the physician caring for themselves, and ultimately to translate into a more compassionate and empathetic physician.
H-art of Medicine Track
The H-art of Medicine Longitudinal Track explores the arts as a tool for healing both for restoration of self-well-being, and as potential tools future practitioners can use to help their patients achieve better health by focusing on the whole person of body, soul, and spirit. Additionally, track participants will explore other topics in the medical humanities such as ethics, philosophy, religion/spirituality and history toward the goal of creating a more humanistic practitioner.

Year 1
Track participants will be exposed to each of the major groupings of the arts and research medical literature on the use of the various art forms and how those modalities influence patient outcomes. Each month, a different topic will be explored with both lecture, literary review, discussion group, and workshop. The additional topics in the medical humanities will also be embedded primarily in a discussion based format. The primary focus of the first year will be on using these techniques for self-well-being.

Year 2
During the second year, track participants will continue to participate in many of the same events and activities as listed in the first year. The difference between the first and second year is that by the second year, students may choose to either continue to explore the global picture of the arts and humanities or may do a “deeper dive” into specific topics or focus areas. For example a student may choose to focus on more of the study of music related to health outcomes and well-being as opposed to the global approach. Additionally, the track participants will now be expected to start applying the knowledge and learned skills to others in the university community and documenting the effectiveness of their efforts. A capstone project is also completed within the second year.
< Capstone project example by:
Student Doctor Farnaz Azizi Shalbaf
> Link to Article

H-Art of Medicine Track Team

Jesus Sanchez, DO
Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs Professor of NMM/OMM and Family Medicine